although i have to say 意味

  • とはいえ~と言わざるを得ない


  1. although i have to say ...


        as i say:    先ほども言ったように
        i say:     I sáy ((英古))?=|自|2 .
        i will say this for:     I will sáy thìs for O 〈人〉のためにこれだけは言っておく《◆批判されている人の長所を述べる前置き》.
        although:    although のに 尤も もっとも 例え 仮令 たとえ たとい
        actually i should say that:    実際{じっさい}のところ(that 以下)だと思う
        because i say so:    私が言ったからです
        dare i say it:    あえて言わせてもらうと
        even if i say so:    そうは言いつつも
        how should i say:    何というか、うまく言いにくいんだけど◆言葉を探すときの挿入句
        i can't say:     I cán't [cóuldn't] sày ... ((略式))…だとは言えないね《◆否定の語気を弱める丁寧な言い方》 I can't ~ that I care for this painting. この絵はもうひとつだね《◆(1)I don't care for this painting. より穏やかな否定.(2)応答表現としては,Do you...?に対しては(I)can't
        i can't say for sure:     I cán't sày for súre. はっきりしたことは言えないね,何とも言えないね.
        i dare say:     I dáre sáy Click...
        i may say,:     I mày sáy,... 言っておきますが,….
        i must say:     I múst sáy ((略式))まったく,本当に《◆文頭?文中?文尾のいずれにも用いて文意を強める》 I must ~ I like this painting. この絵気に入ったよ《◆I like this painting. より強意的》.
        i should say:     I should [would] sáy (どちらかと言えば)まあ…でしょうね《◆文頭?文尾に用いて断言を避ける; 文尾ではI might sayということもある》.


  1. "although he was president of the company, he was still a man of great humility" 意味
  2. "although he was very busy, he took the time to put in an appearance at the beginning of the party" 意味
  3. "although he's in his 30s, he gives the impression of being 10 years younger. 30" 意味
  4. "although herr schmidt speaks fluent english, he always has an official interpreter" 意味
  5. "although i asked him to bring the price down, the clerk held firm" 意味
  6. "although i own a condominium in new york, i have my permanent residence in new orleans" 意味
  7. "although i said something rude, he took it good-humoredly" 意味
  8. "although i was there on business, i managed to squeeze in an afternoon of sightseeing" 意味
  9. "although initially lightly regarded, she has developed swiftly" 意味
  10. "although herr schmidt speaks fluent english, he always has an official interpreter" 意味
  11. "although i asked him to bring the price down, the clerk held firm" 意味
  12. "although i own a condominium in new york, i have my permanent residence in new orleans" 意味
  13. "although i said something rude, he took it good-humoredly" 意味

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